Summer knitting

It is my first real Summer in 5 years. I started knitting last August and crochetting in September of 2009. I’d heard before that during the Summer one doesn’t feel like knitting. At that moment I did not completely understand that statement because it never happened to me… until I knew how Summer was in Madrid: almost 40 degrees, sweaty hands just touching the wool, tighter stitches, …

The last two Summers in Belgium (and this one I’ve heard) were simply non-existing. Jokes like this one were very popular and one could see them almost everyday circulating over the internet:

We moved to Madrid in mid January and we realized soon the difference of climate. We even had lunch on a terrace in February!

Here I started to attend two SnB meetings: Madrid Knits and la Tertulia Madrileña de Punto. But when Summer got more hot, suddenly I didn’t feel like going. Not only that, but after finishing a couple of projects, I did not feel like starting a new one. And not because my queue was clean!

I started crochetting something in cotton but it ended up at the bottom of a bag, waiting for better times.

Until two weeks ago, that I went with my mum, my sister and my niece to Algarve, in the South of Portugal. We went there chasing the good weather (this Summer is being also quite bad in Vigo) and also to fulfil my mother’s need for a laying-under-the-sun vacation. A complete week of sun, beach, swimming pool and food. I was starting to panic thinking of all those hours of nothingness so I decided to go for a last minute visit to La Guerra de los Botones and buy some yarn to make two pairs of socks during those slow hours while my mum and my sister were working on their tan. I finally made one and just started the other one, but it really helped me to kill the time (reading is not an option if you need to keep up with your family’s conversations).

I chose Hermione’s Everyday socks again because it’s an easy pattern, for which no mental focussing is needed and because the socks come out very stretchy and it’s almost impossible they don’t fit greatly. This pair came out beautiful and just as I expected. Real good Winter socks, on a discrete colour to wear any day.

Luckily at least one of us really enjoyed the swimming pool 🙂


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