Bunking off

Yes, I’ve done it. I had sewing class today and I decided that I was not going. My to do list this week is rather large. I thought that since I was home alone I could entertain myself by doing all those things, but it seems not working. I’ve postponed the drafting pf a pattern for three days, I skipped sewing class, I didn’t finish tiding up the living room, clean the bathroom, create a Ravelry group nor take pictures for the test knitting I finished on Saturday. What a disaster. I guess the PMS and the tons of work I had lately are not helping. Today I spent half an hour with my boss on the phone, four hours with some German customers and the rest of the time with a load of work. Yesterday I had problems to sleep after watching three episodes of Doctor Who in a row (no wonder I had strange dreams about people who were not who they were supposed to be – oh, yes, the Master! – ). I work from home most of the time, so it means that I spend many hours at home. And if I had a hard day at work I just want to get out, so no Raverly groups nor pattern tracing nor cleaning anything (except for the kitchen, ha!). I needed to get out and I needed to move. A. LOT. Get tired, sweat, suffer. So I went to Capoeira class instead. It cured my headache, my PMS and I think tomorrow I’ll be able to fold the clothes that are on the sofa right now and start tracing the pattern that will become my project for the Fall for Cotton. Exercise can be like a drug.

The picture below was taken one year ago. Who could have thought that I was going to get addicted to this?


I’ll be back in good shape soon and will write creative posts again. Just allow me some time to put my body, mind and apartment in good order.


  1. I have done the same thing, some days you just feel like doing everything and doing nothing. It happens. Tomorrow is a new day. And by the way? has your blog changed? Or is it just me?

  2. Indeed, tomorrow is another day. And BTW I got up today with a migraine. Well, some pills and Coca-Cola and I feel much better. Caffeine helps in these cases.

    I changed the appearance one or two months back, but for the rest I haven’t done any major changes. I’ve added some tabs on the menu but I think that’s the end of it. I haven’t changed anything else, at least consciously 😉 What changes have you noticed? This week I feel a little bit under the weather, could that be translated in subtle changes on my posts?

  3. It is probably just me, I am not really an observant person, Once my grandfather took a huge tree down from his front yard, one that I drove by every day when I visited and then after a month I noticed it was taken down. Hope your ‘Fall for Cotton’ project is going well. I have begun to cut mine and patterns made in the 50’s are so different than what I am currently use to.

    1. With the Fall for Cotton I’ve been stuck for two whole weeks. I guess this was not a good month for me, but I’m finally starting to see the light 🙂

    1. Everybody needs this from time to time, and when working from home it’s definitely a must. I ended up very tired that day but it’s just what I needed 🙂

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