Rendez-vous in Madrid

Today I had the pleasure to meet my friend Ivana here in Madrid. I first met her at one of our Stitch’n Bitch meeting we held in Brussels. She knits beautiful garments and wonderful hats. I got lots of inspiration from her finished objects, and I confess I started knitting socks because I wanted to make ones like hers.

From my life in Belgium, what I miss most is my group of knitters. I think it was the best way I found to socialise in a place where making new friends was not easy. I remember my first steps knitting and how they encouraged me to continue. I’ll never forget them.

And today it was like living that all over again, but without needles in my hands this time. We just met for lunch and Koen joined us. Ivana started sewing recently too and it was super nice to share those first experiences. She also feels guilty because we are not knitting so much now that we’ve just discovered sewing, and we both have problems to keep the apartment tidy with all the fabrics, threads and pins all over the place.

What about you knitters who started sewing? Have you also temporarily abandoned knitting and felt you were cheating? How do you keep your apartments tidy?


  1. tidy? ahem. my fabric stash is bigger than my yarn stash, so I dont feel guilty sewing instead of knitting.

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