Another Edith Blouse

I was not convinced the first time, but I knew this fabric was not meant to be a Gertie’s 40s Blouse, so I tried again the Edith Blouse. As I said, I was not in love with my first try, but the blouse was so easy and comfortable to wear that it grew on me. So I changed my mind and made another one (modifying the collar a little bit since my first was too large).

This fabric composition is unknown, probably a cotton blend, since it doesn’t press as nicely as the other one. It was a bargain that I got with the Call the Midwife Skirt fabric. I think it was something like €6 for a meter and a half.

Apart from the collar I didn’t modify anything else, but for my next time I will probably lower the armscyes a little bit to avoid those wrinkles and make the collar even smaller.

All in all, I’m very pleased, and I even wore it on Friday with my Armande cardigan. What’s with me and purple this year? It’s also happening with green. Unbelievable.

I’m not one to plan too much ahead so this was just a happy coincidence. I

And you? Do you plan your outfits or just knit and sew as you please? I’d love to read your thoughts on the matter.

Brooch: Luxulite


  1. I’m definitely a knit and sew as I please kind of person. 🙂 Your new blouse looks great! And, I think Gerry looks especially handsome next to purple!

    1. Thank you Andre Sue. I also knit and sew as I please but sometimes I have these happy coincidences. Gerry always looks handsome 🙂

  2. So beautiful! And your Armande is awesome, too! I guess I missed your post on that when you finished it, but I LOVE that you took the buttons all the way to the top of the collar. It’s extra vintagey when buttoned completely!
    I’ve only bought something to go with a knit twice. One was a dress I bought months ago to go with the Cafe au Lait sweater I knew I’d be making eventually. But I totally forgot about it until two weeks ago. It’s too warm to wear it with the intended cardigan now :/. I do find that I go through color, or style, phases and most of what I make during that time period goes well with everything else I make or buy.

    1. Thank you Michelle. Yes, I guess I’m going through one of those phases which will produce a lot of matching garments. I never really plan in advance so sometimes it’s difficult to combine together things that I made. I hope this purple and green splurge will result in matching things for once 🙂

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